Quality artist supplies staffed by knowledgeable and helpful staff. We are here for both the beginner and the professional artist. We also have a beautiful selection of gifts items specially selected to inspire Creativity. Our workshop program offers classes in all mediums. ARTspot also represents about 20 local artists: works in ceramics, jewelry and fine art work. ARTspot is a supportive environment to promote the creativity inherent in every person.
About the Owners
Tracy Felix and Denise Cole both bring their careers in art to this very unique venture. Tracy has been both a commercial artist in graphic design and advertising, a gallery owner and a contemporary painter working and teaching in oil, acrylic and encaustic mediums. Denise owns the regionally significant Cole Gallery here in Edmonds representing over 50 artists. ARTspot and Cole Art Studio work together to offer a full cadre of workshops and classes. Both owners are committed to bringing the best support, material and encouragement to those seeking to further their own artistic pursuits.
Mon - Sat
10am - 6pm
11am - 4pm